Friday 25 May 2018

Ratafia - Innocent Regency Cordial?


Renowned as a ladies cordial within the Regency era, though a much loved drink throughout the Georgian period, it is anything but as innocent as implied.

The ingredients suggest ladies enjoyed a little alcoholic tipple more than might be thought by those who had never partaken of the "supposed innocent" cordial!

Potent - or what?


  • 1 quart of brandy

    • ½ bottle champagne

    • 1/2 cup of gin

    • ¼ cup of sugar

    • 2 oranges

    • 2 cups of cherries, pitted and squashed

    • 2 cups of blackberries

    • Dash of cinnamon

    • Dash of nutmeg

    • 1 teaspoon powdered rosemary
    • Three cloves (bruised)

    • ¼ cup crushed almonds

    The Process:
    Mix in a gallon glass jar. Cap jar and shake. Store in dark cupboard for three weeks, removing once a week to shake jar. 

    After three weeks, strain liquid through a cheesecloth, pressing down on solids to release their liquid. Distribute and store in several pint jars or tightly corked wine bottles.